When I sold my house and moved to an apartment this year, rather
than get a storage unit I decided to pass on my yurts to a new home. I
hadn’t been back to the Burn since 2011 anyway.
One thing I found was that with age, some of the 12' yurt’s slats
started to become brittle, especially where they were forced to bend a
little more to join with the door. I didn’t want to rip more 2x4s to
make equally weak replacements, so I used 1/4" thick polycarbonate
strips from TAP Plastics. I replaced 3 or 4 slats this way, and it
started to give the yurt a cyber look. Even though it would be more
expensive, and heavier, I would seriously consider using polycarbonate
for the whole lattice if I make another one.